Нашите услуги

ICM Consulting ви съпровожда в областта на продажбите, недвижимите имоти и маркетинга, за да постигнете вашите цели.

Обучение на търговци и оптимизация на търговските стратегии за компании и малки и средни предприятия (МСП).

white concrete residential building near trees
white concrete residential building near trees

Съпровод при строителство, покупка и препродажба на имоти в Швейцария и България.

Създаване на уебсайтове и рекламни кампании за увеличаване на вашата онлайн видимост.

aerial photography of rural
aerial photography of rural
white concrete house surrounded by trees
white concrete house surrounded by trees

Projets Immobiliers

Découvrez nos projets en immobilier et marketing sur mesure.

white and grey concrete building near swimming pool under clear sky during daytime
white and grey concrete building near swimming pool under clear sky during daytime
Consulting Vente

Optimisation des stratégies commerciales pour votre entreprise.

brown staircase
brown staircase
Immobilier Conseil

Achat et revente de biens en Suisse et Bulgarie.

white house under maple trees
white house under maple trees
white modern cement building under blue sky
white modern cement building under blue sky
Marketing Digital

Création de sites web et campagnes publicitaires efficaces.

Formation Vendeurs

Formation B2B et B2C pour améliorer vos ventes.

Contactez ICM Consulting

Pour toute demande, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter. Nous sommes là pour vous aider à concrétiser vos projets immobiliers et marketing.



